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Refuse Collection Days Search

Gedling Borough Council has a total of 20 different refuse/recycling collections and 10 garden waste collections. Depending on the area within the Gedling district, a specific weekday and schedule name is assigned. Using this search tool, you can find the specific your specific bin collections schedule.

For the most relevant search results, enter a street name that is within the Gedling local authority. Avoid entering other data such as property numbers with your search.

Some street name queries will return multiple collection results, this is due to being on an area boundary. When multiple results are returned, the area and in some cases property numbers displayed below the collection name to help identify the correct collection in these instances. This additional data is provided by Gedling Borough Council.

About this data

This search tool uses data from the Gedling Borough Council refuse collection days search. The search result format provided by does not directly provide the collection weekday or schedule name but this search tool scrapes the data and formats the information in a more readable format that's easier to understand and links directly to the correct calendar information on this website. You can find more information about the API behind this search from the main repository.